
Get new episodes of Poet as Radio as soon as they're published by subscribing to the Poet as Radio podcast!

You can find us in the iTunes store by searching for "poet as radio" or by clicking here.

If you don't use iTunes, you can subscribe via your favorite podcast software via the following url: http://poetasradio.libsyn.com/rss


What is a podcast?

A podcast is a subscription to a series of audio recordings. Think of it as the audio equivalent of a magazine subscription. If you subscribe to a podcast via software like iTunes, newly-published episodes of the podcast can be automatically downloaded to your computer. Alternatively, once you're subscribed, you can choose which episodes you want to download.

Do I need to do this in order to listen to Poet as Radio?

Absolutely not. We'll continue to make episodes available via live streaming from the blog and the archives page. The podcast is simply being offered as another means of accessing our episodes.

Is everything in your archives going to be published as a podcast episode?

We can only offer a limited number of new episodes each month, so we'll focus on publishing all new episodes as well as selected former episodes. Ideally, we'll get completely caught-up one of these days.

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