Monday, February 4, 2013

February 3, 2013- Round Table Discussion on LABELS

On Sunday, sans interview, the three of us discussed how 'labels' are used when talking about writing. These labels could be references to literary criticism, artistic movements or poetic forms. How does this talk differ from the 'technical vocabulary' we use in our work, if at all? Do these labels exclude others from the conversation? Do they pigeonhole our writing? Or do they facilitate the conversation by providing a common vocabulary? If we have read literary criticism, in what different ways have we engaged with it? And if we have not, how do we still participate in a conversation about our writing, and the writing of others? And what is that stuff anyway???? We reach no conclusions, but create, what we hope you'll find, a stimulating and thought-provoking inquiry. And if not, don't worry. We'll be playing the first part of our awesome interview with Kathleen Fraser next Sunday!
Click to Listen

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